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Statement of Faith

ALIVE Radio Network is not affiliated with a specific, Christian denomination or church. We do, however, profess and uphold Christian doctrine in everything we do and all programming we broadcast. We strive to uphold the Biblical truth that God is not the Author of confusion. While many national and local ministries broadcast on ALIVE Radio, we work and listen to all content to ensure that all content agrees with our statement of faith. What We Believe…
  • The Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative Word of God.
  • There is only one true God who is the eternal King, Creator and Redeemer of all that is.
  • God is perfectly holy, just, loving and truthful.
  • The eternal Godhead is One God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; each possessing all attributes of deity: Creator of all, all loving, just, the One who has made covenant with mankind through Jesus Christ. We are monotheistic in our understanding of the only true and living God.
  • There is one way to the Father – through relationship with His son, Jesus Christ.
  • At salvation, the Holy Spirit indwells every believer and is the source of assurance, strength, and wisdom – guiding us in understanding and applying the truth of the Word of God.
  • His power and control are appropriated by faith and make it possible to lead a life of Christ-like character to the glory of God.
  • Baptism in the Holy Spirit is an experience of being immersed and filled with God’s Spirit, from above, enabling the believer to be a witness of the resurrection and manifest gifts and ministries with power.
  • The common evidence of this baptism is speaking in tongues, and the evidence of being filled with the Spirit is love from a pure heart.
  • The Gifts of the Spirit are given to each believer to edify the Body of Christ
  • Signs, wonders and miracles are sent by God to accompany and confirm the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.